Friday, January 6, 2012

An Unexpected Birth

Transfer America warns women who are pregnant not to fly during their pregnancy term. According to an article on MSNBC, a woman named Feng Yu gave birth to her daughter while traveling on a plane. Yu, a twenty-three year old, was assisted by trained flight attendants in giving birth to her beautiful baby girl.
The plane had just left Chengdu, China when Yu un-expectantly went into labor. Zuo Lei, one of the assisting flight attendants, stated, “I was frightened when the baby’s head came out but the body was still stuck. I asked myself to calm down and firmly held the woman’s hand and tried hard to recall what I learned in emergency training.”

After Yu went into labor, the crew tried to find someone with medical experience. The search was unsuccessful which led to the flight attendants setting up a delivery room near the back of the plane. Subsequently, after the delivery of a beautiful baby, the pilot was able to land the plane so that Yu and her baby could be admitted into a hospital.

The doctor told the paper that both the mother and child, who was later named Angel, were in perfect health. Though this incident was unexpected, it wasn’t the first time a woman gave birth on a plane. Yu was lucky that the flight attendants were trained and handled the situation without a hitch. 

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