Many have already fallen victim to the new banking scam that has been circulating around the web. The new scam involves criminals stealing a person’s personal banking information so that they are able to access the user’s money. The scheme starts off with an email that is sent to a person’s inbox asking them to click on a link to resolve an issue with their account. However, this link contains a malware called ‘Gameover’ and as soon as the victim clicks on the link within the email all their information (i.e. usernames, passwords, etc.) is available for the taking.
FBI has recently warned the public that “the thieves’ hacking capabilities can navigate around common user authentication methods banks use to verify your identity”. For this reason alone, most banks provide additional security to prevent thieves’ from attaining access to a persons’ information.
Transfer America has discovered several ways in which you can protect your valuable information. First you must update your computer with the latest anti-virus software to prevent hackers from being able to access your computer. Secondly, if an email seems suspicious do not click on any links. Thirdly, banks will never ask for personal information via email. Lastly, constantly check your account balances. The sooner you notice a discrepancy the more likely you’ll be reimbursed.
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